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David Archer presents his Rhythm And Processing (RAP) technique: anti-racist-psychotherapy and healing collective trauma. A deeply reflective thinker and author of an anime sci-fi novel, I’m sure David will inspire our community with fresh perspectives on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, reshaping how we integrate these values into our work and organizations.
Thomas Zimmerman, a specialist in dissociation and DID, will share his 4 Blinks version of Flash which is a game-changer for complex trauma.
And coming up in November, Jennifer Marchand will guide us through an innovative blend of EMDR and nature-based healing.
All profits from the series will go to support the work of Trauma Aid UK whose Humanitarian Assistance programmes continue to bring hope and healing to under-represented regions affected by war, conflict and mass trauma.
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We currently have 26 active Volunteer Supervisors.
Trauma Aid UK is currently supervising 158 people.
Our Volunteer Coordinator manages the applications to be a Volunteer Supervisor and Supervisee assignments.
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