Working together




Trauma Relief – Training Locally

Sustainable Capacity Building

Supporting Research

2025 Workshop series

Click on the links to book directly on eventbrite

David Archer presents his Rhythm And Processing (RAP) technique: anti-racist-psychotherapy and healing collective trauma. A deeply reflective thinker and author of an anime sci-fi novel, I’m sure David will inspire our community with fresh perspectives on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, reshaping how we integrate these values into our work and organizations.

Thomas Zimmerman, a specialist in dissociation and DID, will share his 4 Blinks version of Flash which is a game-changer for complex trauma.

And coming up in November, Jennifer Marchand will guide us through an innovative blend of EMDR and nature-based healing.

All profits from the series will go to support the work of Trauma Aid UK whose Humanitarian Assistance programmes continue to bring hope and healing to under-represented regions affected by war, conflict and mass trauma.

E-Therapy Pilot Research Project

EMDR for Syrian women refugees now published

The paper documenting the major research project that delivered EMDR therapy online to 100 Syrian women refugees has now been published

Middle East Project

Spreading EMDR throughout the Middle East

Trauma Aid UK runs EMDR training for some of the most traumatised areas of the Middle East

From early 2020 we have been using online training

“The Arabic examples and experiences (cases) given by lecturers and facilitators enriched the course.”

About Trauma Aid UK

Fifteen years of Trauma Aid UK

Trauma Aid UK runs Trauma Training Projects


Part of our Mission

Trauma Aid UK is bringing together reports and articles on research contributing to increased understanding of the role of EMDR training and the benefits it delivers to trauma sufferers and those with PTSD.

A supportive bookseller

Trauma Aid UK offers both digital and physical resources to clinicians, many on the basis of a donation.

Last year we changed the bookseller for our physical resources such as books and VoC laminates.

We very much appreciate the support of Psychological Therapy Books who manage distribution for us.

The Trauma Aid UK Team

Bosnia-Hercegovina Project


GTEP Training of Trauma Aid UK trained Practitioners

Getting involved

As an EMDR Clinician

Join the volunteer Trauma Aid UK team

If you are an EMDR Supervisor can you offer online supervision for our trainees

We firmly believe that supervision is fundamental in supporting clinicians

We send out a regular News Update about our work

We email out a personalised update of news about our work, upcoming events, research and your membership status.

Sign up below

Make a donation to support our work

A letter of hope

My dreams have become for the first time, more beautiful and contain hope and optimism

A letter from a client of the E-therapy Research Project to her therapist

A website for Traumatic Stress

It has EMDR early intervention, stabilisation and reprocessing instructions for current and on going Traumatic Stress – not PTSD.
The exercises are safe enough to be used by the public and Frontliners to use as self help.  A video on stabilisation is included which can be used without therapist assistance.  It could be used in the NHS at screening or as we go through waiting lists.
The website

Prestigious award for Trauma Aid UK trained clinician

Volunteer Supervisors

We currently have 26 active Volunteer Supervisors.

Trauma Aid UK is currently supervising 158 people.

Our Volunteer Coordinator manages the applications to be a Volunteer Supervisor and Supervisee assignments.

Any queries contact Volunteer Coordinator by email at:


All items benefiting Trauma Aid UK

Trauma Aid UK offers its own EMDR related products and some vendors’ products. The profits from these products are donated to Trauma Aid UK.

Trauma Aid Europe Humanitarian Award given to Sian Morgan

A video of the presentation and award ceremony

Sian died in 2022 on the 25 April - she is still greatly missed

Sian's professional life and her legacy