Trauma Aid UK – Annual General Meeting


To be held on


Cavendish Conference Centre
22 Duchess Mews, London, W1G 9DT
At 12.45 – 13.30p.m.


This is the sixth Annual General Meeting of Trauma Aid UK following the adoption of the Constitution by its members and becoming a Registered Charity.

  1. Minutes from 2016 AGM
  2. Election of Trustees
    1. The present trustees who will stand for re-election are: Sian Morgan, president; John Henry, secretary; Robin Logie, treasurer; Michael Tidbury, membership; Ines Santos; Sanja Oakley; Filip Pasterski, Publications.
    2. Election of Walid Abdul-Hamid and Shiraz Farrand as trustees.
    3. We call for trustees from beyond the field of EMDR with expertise in fund-raising and public relations to help grow the work of the organisation.
  3. President’s report on HAP UK & Ireland activities for the year – Sian Morgan
  4. Treasurer’s annual financial statement – Robin Logie
  5. Membership Report – Michael Tidbury
  6. Fund-raising activities
  7. Trauma Aid UK’s projects in Bosnia and the Middle East
  8. Questions from members
  9. A.O.B.